Onboarding organisational users

This page explains the most common tasks for administrators after signing up for a MindMup organisational account.

Adding users to MindMup

With an organisational subscription, you do not need to add individual users to MindMup.

Authentication for organisational accounts is integrated with your company or school single sign-on system (GSuite/Google Apps or Microsoft 365/Azure AD). Just instruct users to sign in to MindMup by using the Sign in with Google or Sign in with Microsoft option, depending on where your account system is hosted.

If you are using Microsoft 365/Azure AD authentication, you can also send your users this direct link to sign into MindMup, which disables all other authentication methods:

Here are some helpful links you should send to your users:

Configure organisational access

You can block sharing outside your organisational account and restrict the storage options available to your users from the account management page. For more information, check out the Configuring organisational access tutorial.

Configure sharing emails

When using MindMup Cloud storage, MindMup can send users notifications by email when someone else shares a map with them. To ensure that your users can receive these notifications, please allow incoming emails from contact@mindmup.com to end users.

Some schools block external incoming emails to student accounts. If you do not want MindMup to send any sharing notifications, you can block this feature when Configuring organisational access. In this case, instruct users to look for shared maps in the files page (in the Maps shared with me section).

This does not apply to maps stored on Google Drive; Google sends and manages notifications for shared maps in this case.

Configuring sharing teams

When using MindMup Cloud storage, you can create teams for sharing, so that users can quickly share a map with a whole group. Some good examples when this feature is useful are school classes or project teams and work groups. For information on creating and managing teams, check out the Manage Sharing Teams tutorial.

Working with Microsoft teams

Organisations with an Office 365 account can alternatively use Microsoft Teams for sharing, instead of creating MindMup teams. Check out Sharing with Microsoft Teams.